Assessment - Migration to Microsoft SQL Server and SQL Azure

It is important to gather appropriate information about the migration project to

Assessment Process and Methodology

The migration assessment involves 3 major stages:

High Level System Review

Talking to the product owner, architects and lead developers you can understand the high level system architecture and the major characteristics.

What are the key technologies used?




Oracle Database Assessment

Collect information about Oracle database(s).

Oracle Instances and Schemas

Information about Oracle instances and schemas.

Number of Databases (Oracle Instances)

Do you need to migrate a single instance (one or more schemas within an instance), or multiple instances?

Multiple Instances

If you need to migrate multiple instances:


Information about applications working with Oracle database.

ISV, Packaged or In-House Developed Application

If it is an ISV application, do you need to support both Oracle and SQL Server after migration, and ship 2 versions of the software to your customers?

If is it a packaged application, what type is it?

If it is a in-house application, how many independent installations do you have (in different locations, offices, departments of your company i.e.)

Application Types

What kind of applications are used.

Programming Language:

Database API:

What database access API and driver (provider) are used to work with Oracle.

Operating System

What operating system do your applications run:

Tools for Assessment

SQLines tools allow you to perform comprehensive migration assessment of SQL scripts, embedded SQL statements, database API and the entire applications.

SQLines can generate custom reports using various report templates and assessment functions. You can fully define the presentation (HTML, XML, flat file etc) and content of the reports.

Reports are interactive, you can sort and filter the data, and there are links to documentation, sample code and detailed problem descriptions for most issues found during an assessment.

How It Works

SQLines processes SQL scripts or application source code and generates assessment reports using the specified report templates.

If you need to assess objects that are stored in a database (views, stored procedures, triggers etc.), you have to extract them to SQL files before you can run the assessment. Also if you want to assess applications, you need to have access to their source code.

Key Features

SQLines tool provides the following assessment features:

SQL Scripts Assessment

Additional features for database scripts assessment: