Oracle Compatibility Libraries (SSORC) for SQL Server and SQL Azure

SQLines offers Oracle compatibility libraries that allow you to use existing Oracle applications with Microsoft SQL Server and SQL Azure databases without source code changes, recompiling and relinking.

The Oracle compatibility libraries can also help you automatically test the database migration at the application level as well as replicate data between Oracle and SQL Server during the transition phase of migration.


Benefits of using Oracle compatibility libraries:

Any Application Type

SSORC includes JDBC, ODBC, ADO.NET (ODP.NET), Oracle Call Interface (OCI), Pro*C/C++ (SQLLIB) libraries, drivers and providers that allow you to use any existing Oracle applications with SQL Server and SQL Azure:

Oracle SQLines SSORC
Java and JSP
C#, Visual Basic.NET and ASP.NET
Visual Basic, ASP and Access
Oracle Forms
Perl, PHP, Ruby and Python

Low Migration Cost

Application conversion is often the most expensive, time and effort consuming part of a migration project. SSORC libraries allow you to use your existing applications almost immediately with SQL Server and SQL Azure.

Automated Testing

Testing is the most important part of a migration project. SQLines SSORC helps you dramatically reduce its cost, and automate both database and application migration testing by sending requests from real applications and comparing the results from Oracle and SQL Server.

Transition Support

Even if you are going to rewrite applications, SSORC libraries can be helpful to assess application conversion effort, separate application and database migrations, reduce risk, and speed up time-to-market.

If you have many applications sharing some tables, SSORC replication features allow you to maintain both Oracle and SQL Server databases, and convert applications step by step.

SQLines SSORC Features

SQLines Oracle compatibility library features: