Download SQLines Tools (No Registration Required)

Here you can download SQLines tools for various platforms. SQLines is released under open source GPL v3 license.

To save your time, consider also trying Online Conversion tool to quickly review SQLines capabilities.

SQLines 1.7 for Windows (32-bit, installation required)

The installation package includes:

Installation Notes:

  • Run sqlines17_setup.exe file and follow instructions

SQLines 1.7 for Windows (32-bit, no installation required)

The .zip package includes:

Installation Notes:

  • Just unzip files to any location and use the tools

SQLines 1.7 for Linux - CentOS/Red Hat 5 (x86 32-bit, no installation required)

The .zip package includes:

  • Command line tool sqlines Reference
  • Source code - you can build SQLines W and command line tool for any Linux/Unix/Mac OS X platform

Installation Notes:

  • Just unzip files to any location and use available executables or compile the tools for your platform

SQLines for other platforms and 64-bit releases

  • If binaries are not compatible with your system or you want to get 64-bit executables, please download the source code from any 32-bit download, and compile the code. Contact us at for any assistance.