In Oracle the INITCAP function capitalizes the first letter of each word and lowercases all other letters in a string. Words are delimited by a space or any other non-alphanumeric letter.
In MySQL you can use a user-define function (UDF) to implement this functionality (see below).
-- Capitalize the first letter of each word SELECT INITCAP('new york') FROM dual; # New York
-- Capitalize the first letter of each word - you can find the source code of UDF below SELECT INITCAP('new york'); # New York
In MySQL you have to use an user-defined function to implement INITCAP:
DELIMITER // CREATE FUNCTION INITCAP (str VARCHAR(8000)) RETURNS VARCHAR(8000) BEGIN DECLARE len INT DEFAULT LENGTH(str); DECLARE pos INT DEFAULT 1; DECLARE ch CHAR(1); DECLARE ch_ascii INT; DECLARE out_str VARCHAR(8000) DEFAULT ''; DECLARE prev_alphanum INT DEFAULT 0; WHILE pos <= len DO SET ch = SUBSTRING(str, pos, 1); SET ch_ascii = ASCII(ch); IF prev_alphanum = 1 THEN SET out_str = CONCAT(RPAD(out_str, pos - 1), LOWER(ch)); -- RPAD is required to append ' ' ELSE SET out_str = CONCAT(RPAD(out_str, pos - 1), UPPER(ch)); END IF; IF ch_ascii <= 47 OR (ch_ascii BETWEEN 58 AND 64) OR (ch_ascii BETWEEN 91 AND 96) OR (ch_ascii BETWEEN 123 AND 126) THEN SET prev_alphanum = 0; ELSE SET prev_alphanum = 1; END IF; SET pos = pos + 1; END WHILE; RETURN out_str; END; // DELIMITER ;
So now you can use this user-defined function in MySQL:
-- Capitalize the first letter of each word SELECT INITCAP('new york'); # New York
For more information, see Oracle to MySQL Migration.