MySQL does not provide a sequence object, but you can use stored procedures and user-defined functions to emulate DROP SEQUENCE, CREATE SEQUENCE statements and NEXTVAL function.
Note that often it is enough to use AUTO_INCREMENT columns in MySQL instead of sequences, especially when they are just used for generate column IDs and not shared by multiple tables.
You can use a table to store sequence names, their current values, increments and other properties.
Stores procedure implementing CREATE SEQUENCE:
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS CreateSequence; DELIMITER // CREATE PROCEDURE CreateSequence (name VARCHAR(30), start INT, inc INT) BEGIN -- Create a table to store sequences CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS _sequences ( name VARCHAR(70) NOT NULL UNIQUE, next INT NOT NULL, inc INT NOT NULL ); -- Add the new sequence INSERT INTO _sequences VALUES (name, start, inc); END // DELIMITER ;
Now you can execute the following statement in MySQL instead of CREATE SEQUENCE:
-- Create a sequence CALL CreateSequence('cities_id_seq', 1, 1);
To drop a 'sequence' you have to call a procedure that deletes the corresponding row from the sequence table.
Stores procedure implementing DROP SEQUENCE:
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS DropSequence; DELIMITER // CREATE PROCEDURE DropSequence (vname VARCHAR(30)) BEGIN -- Drop the sequence DELETE FROM _sequences WHERE name = vname; END // DELIMITER ;
Now you can execute the following statement in MySQL instead of DROP SEQUENCE:
-- Drop a sequence CALL DropSequence('cities_id_seq');
Now you can use the following function to get the next sequence value in MySQL:
DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS NextVal; DELIMITER // CREATE FUNCTION NextVal (vname VARCHAR(30)) RETURNS INT BEGIN -- Retrieve and update in single statement UPDATE _sequences SET next = (@next := next) + 1 WHERE name = vname; RETURN @next; END // DELIMITER ;
Note that NextVal function assigns the current value to a session variable @next and updates the sequence table in single UPDATE statement i.e protected from race condition and can be safely executed by multiple concurrent sessions.
Now you can call this function to get next sequence value, for example in a SELECT statement:
-- Get next values SELECT NextVal('cities_id_seq');
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Written by Dmitry Tolpeko, - February 2013.
Dear Team,
END $$
Thanks & Regards Raj Singh.