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SQLines Data - Configure and Troubleshoot Connection to Sybase ASE

If you need to connect to a localhost Sybase ASE database you do not need to setup any additional libraries to use SQLines Data tool as they are already supplied with the Sybase ASE server software.

If you need to connect to a remote Sybase ASE database, you need to have Client Library/C (CT-Lib) installed in your system.

Check if you already have Sybase ASE libraries:

  • Linux: ($SYBASE/$SYBASE_OCS/lib)

Configuring Client Library/C on Linux

Before running sqldata command, add Sybase Client Library/C location to LD_LIBRARY_PATH:


Configuration Options

If your Sybase server is configured to require encrypted password connection, you will not be able to login using a plain text password.

To set password encryption, edit sqldata.cfg file and set -sybase_encrypted_password=yes