In Oracle, TO_CHAR function can convert a numeric value to string using the specified format. In MySQL, you can use FORMAT function as well as other string functions and expressions.
-- Convert the price to string format SELECT TO_CHAR(1000, 'FM$9,999,999') FROM dual; # $1,000
-- Convert the price to string format SELECT CONCAT('$', FORMAT(1000, 0)); # $1,000
Typical conversion examples:
Oracle | MySQL |
TO_CHAR(1000, 'FM$9,999,999') | CONCAT('$', FORMAT(1000, 0)) |
TO_CHAR(1000, '9,999,999') | FORMAT(1000, 0) |
TO_CHAR(123456, '999,999.9') | FORMAT(123456, 1) |
TO_CHAR(123456.123, '999,999.9') | FORMAT(123456.123, 1) |
For more information, see Oracle to MySQL Migration.