In Oracle, data dictionary views (catalog views) ALL_TABLES, DBA_TABLES and USER_TABLES contain information on tables:
In SQL Server, you can query sys.tables catalog view to obtain information on tables. Note that sys.tables returns information for the current database only, and you can also specify db_name.sys.tables to query the specified database.
Last Update: Oracle 11g R2 and Microsoft SQL Server 2012
In Oracle, ALL_TABLES, DBA_TABLES and USER_TABLES have the same columns, except that USER_TABLES does not contain owner column.
Oracle - ALL_TABLES | SQL Server - sys.tables | |||
Column | Data Type | Column | Data Type | Notes |
OWNER | VARCHAR2(30) | schema_id | INT | SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) to get the name |
TABLE_NAME | VARCHAR2(30) | name | sysname |
In Oracle, you can use the following query to select all tables in the specified schema:
-- Select all tables in SALES schema SELECT owner, table_name FROM all_tables WHERE owner = 'SALES';
Sample output:
owner | table_name |
Usually an Oracle schema is migrated to a separate database in SQL Server, so you can query sys.tables view from the specified database to get the tables.
sys.tables view contains schema_id, and use can use SCHEMA_NAME function to obtain the schema name.
SQL Server:
-- Select all tables in SALES database SELECT SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) AS owner, name FROM sales.sys.tables;
Sample output:
owner | name |
dbo | CITIES |
dbo | STATES |
In Oracle, DBA_TABLES view contains tables in all schemas in the database, and ALL_TABLES view contains all tables in the databases accessible to the current user.
Usually you need to exclude tables located in system schemas such as SYS, SYSTEM, MDSYS, CTXSYS etc.
-- Select all tables in all schemas (accessible to the current user) excluding system tables SELECT owner, table_name FROM all_tables WHERE owner NOT IN ('SYS', 'SYSTEM', 'MDSYS', 'CTXSYS');
Sample output:
owner | table_name |
If you migrate each Oracle schema to a standalone database in SQL Server, you may need to query sys.tables in each database to get the full list of tables.
You can use the following Transact-SQL script that automatically retrieves the list of available databases in SQL Server, and returns all tables available in them (excluding the system databases):
SQL Server:
DECLARE @sql NVARCHAR(max) = ''; -- Build the query to select all tables from all databases SELECT @sql = @sql + 'SELECT ''' + name + ''' AS db_name, name FROM ' + name + '.sys.tables UNION ALL ' FROM sys.databases WHERE name NOT IN ('master', 'tempdb', 'model', 'msdb'); -- Remove last UNION ALL SET @sql = SUBSTRING(@sql, 1, LEN(@sql) - 10); -- Execute the query (returns all tables in all databases as a single result set) EXEC sp_executesql @sql; GO
Sample output:
db_name | name |
Dmitry Tolpeko, - July 2012
Please contact me if you are interested in Oracle to SQL Server migration services, consulting, tools or training.