In Oracle XMLELEMENT function allows you to create a XML element (an value with opening and closing tags). In SQL Server you can the special form of SELECT … FOR XML PATH expression.
Consider a sample table:
CREATE TABLE cities (name VARCHAR(30), country VARCHAR(30), flag CHAR(1)); -- Insert sample rows INSERT INTO cities VALUES ('Seville', 'Spain', 'S'); INSERT INTO cities VALUES ('Warsaw', 'Poland', 'P'); INSERT INTO cities VALUES ('Boston', 'United States', 'U');
SELECT XMLELEMENT(NAME "country", country) FROM cities;
SQL Server:
SELECT (SELECT [data()] = country FOR XML PATH('country'), TYPE) FROM cities;
Both queries return 3 rows:
<country>Spain</country> <country>Poland</country> <country>United States</country>
You can also add an attribute to XML elements as follows:
SELECT XMLELEMENT(NAME "country", XMLATTRIBUTES(flag AS "flag"), country) FROM cities;
SQL Server:
SELECT (SELECT flag AS [@flag], [data()] = country FOR XML PATH('country'), TYPE) FROM cities;
Both queries return 3 rows:
<country flag="S">Spain</country> <country flag="P">Poland</country> <country flag="U">United States</country>
You can also created nested XML elements with attributes as follows:
SELECT XMLELEMENT(NAME "country", XMLATTRIBUTES(country AS "attr"), XMLELEMENT(NAME "cities", name)) FROM cities;
SQL Server:
SELECT (SELECT country AS [@attr], (SELECT [data()] = name FOR XML PATH('cities'), TYPE) FOR XML PATH('country'), TYPE) FROM cities
Both queries return 3 rows:
<country attr="Spain"><cities>Seville</cities></country> <country attr="Poland"><cities>Warsaw</cities></country> <country attr="United States"><cities>Boston</cities></country>
For more information, see Oracle to SQL Server Migration.