You can run SQLines SQL Converter tool from a command line, and this article describes the configuration file options. Additionally, you can specify options in Command Line.
You can use -cfg command line option to specify the location and file name for the configuration file. If -cfg option is not defined, the default configuration file is sqlines.cfg. The tool firstly tries to read it from the current directory, and if not found from the SQLines executable directory.
All configuration file options can be specified in the command line as well.
Note. Please see sqlines.cfg supplied with the tool to see the full list of available options.
Options for DDL conversion.
Set upper to convert object names (tables i.e.) to upper case in DDL scripts. Set lower to convert to lower case.
Set upper to convert column names to upper case in DDL scripts. Set lower to convert to lower case.
Set characters to quote column identifiers. For example, specify ”” for double quotes (or \”\” if you use the option in command line).
Set characters to quote object identifiers (schemas, table, views, aliases etc). For example, specify ”” for double quotes (or \”\” if you use the option in command line).
Options for using user-defined functions during the conversion.
By default, SQLines converts Oracle MONTHS_BETWEEN function to user-defined function dbo.MONTHS_BETWEEN in SQL Server as DATEDIFF(MONTH, …) returns different results. For more details, see Oracle MONTHS_BETWEEN.
If No is specified for this option, SQLines will use DATEDIFF(MONTH, …) conversion. Note that MONTHS_BETWEEN and DATEDIFF have different order of parameters.
Options to convert to/from PostgreSQL.
When set to Yes and a source stored procedure returns a single result set, convert it to a function with RETURNS TABLE and RETURN QUERY in PostgreSQL. Otherwise use procedure and REFCURSORs. Default is No (i.e. to use procedure and REFCURSORs).