SQLines tools can help you transfer data, convert database schema (DDL), views, stored procedures, functions, triggers, queries and SQL scripts from SAP SQL Anywhere, Sybase SQL Anywhere, Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere (Sybase ASA) to Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL, MS SQL), Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse.
See also Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise to SQL Server Migration.
SQLines SQL Converter converts database schema (DDL), queries and DML statements, views, stored procedures, functions and triggers from Sybase SQL Anywhere to SQL Server.
The tool converts SQL scripts and standalone SQL statements. To migrate data and database schema from a live Sybase ASA database use SQLines Data tool.
Try SQLines Online or download a Desktop Version. For more information, see Overview.
SQLines Data is a high performance data transfer, schema conversion and data validation tool for Sybase ASA to SQL Server migration. For more information, see SQLines Data.
Converting identifiers:
Sybase SQL Anywhere | SQL Server | ||
1 | Constraint names are unique per table | Constraint names are unique within a database more... | |
2 | Default constraint name for a foreign key is the primary key table name | Constraint, table names must be unique within a database more... |
Converting SQL and T/SQL language elements:
Data type mapping from Sybase SQL Anywhere to SQL Server:
Converting built-in SQL functions from Sybase SQL Anywhere to SQL Server:
Sybase SQL Anywhere | SQL Server | ||
1 | ABS(num) | Get the absolute value | ABS(num) |
2 | ACOS(num) | Get the arc cosine | ACOS(num) |
3 | ARGN(position, exp, exp2, …) | Get selected argument from list | CASE expression |
4 | ASCII(str) | Get ASCII code of left-most char | ASCII(str) |
5 | ASIN(num) | Get the arc sine | ASIN(num) |
6 | ATAN(num) | Get the arc tangent | ATAN(num) |
7 | ATAN2(x, y) | Get the arc tangent of x and y | ATN2(x, y) |
8 | BASE64_DECODE(base64_str) | MIME base64 decoding | User-defined function |
9 | BASE64_ENCODE(str) | MIME base64 encoding | User-defined function |
10 | BIT_LENGTH(bit_str) | Get length of bit_str in bits | LEN(bit_str) * 8 |
11 | BIT_SUBSTR(bit_str, start, len) | Get a substring of bit_str | SUBSTRING(bit_str, start, len) |
12 | BYTE_LENGTH(string) | Get length of string in bytes | DATALENGTH(string) |
13 | BYTE_SUBSTR(string, start, len) | Get a substring of string in bytes | SUBSTRING(string, start, len) |
14 | CEILING(num) | Get the smallest following integer | CEILING(num) |
CEIL(num) | |||
15 | CHAR(num) | Get character from ASCII code | CHAR(num) |
16 | CHAR_LENGTH(string) | Get length of string in characters | LEN(string) |
17 | CHARINDEX(substring, string) | Get position of substring | CHARINDEX(substring, string) |
18 | COALESCE(exp1, exp2, …) | Return first non-NULL expression | COALESCE(exp1, exp2, …) |
19 | COMPARE(string, string2) | Compare two character strings | CASE expression |
20 | CONVERT(datatype, exp[, style]) | Convert to another datatype | CONVERT(datatype, exp[, style]) |
21 | COS(num) | Get the cosine | COS(num) |
22 | COT(num) | Get the cotangent | COT(num) |
23 | CSCONVERT(string, charset) | Convert string between character sets | |
24 | CURRENT DATE | Get the current date | CONVERT(DATE, GETDATE()) |
25 | CURRENT TIME | Get the current time | CONVERT(TIME, GETDATE()) |
26 | CURRENT TIMESTAMP | Get the current date and time | GETDATE() |
27 | CURRENT USER | Get the authenticated user name | SYSTEM_USER |
28 | DATALENGTH(exp) | Get length of exp in bytes | DATALENGTH(exp) |
29 | DATE(datetime) | Extract date from datetime | CONVERT(DATE, datetime) |
30 | DATEADD(units, num, datetime) | Add an interval to datetime | DATEADD(units, num, datetime) |
31 | DATEDIFF(units, start, end) | Get datetime difference in units | DATEDIFF(units, start, end) |
32 | DATEFORMAT(datetime, format) | Convert datetime to string | CONVERT(VARCHAR(n), datetime, style) |
33 | DATENAME(datepart, date) | Get the name of datepart as a string | DATENAME(datepart, date) |
34 | DATEPART(datepart, date) | Get datepart as an integer | DATEPART(datepart, date) |
35 | DATETIME(exp) | Convert exp to TIMESTAMP | CONVERT(DATETIME, exp) |
36 | DAY(datetime) | Extract day from datetime | DAY(datetime) |
37 | DAYNAME(datetime) | Get the name of the weekday | DATENAME(DW, datetime) |
38 | DAYS(date) | Get the number of days since Feb 29, 0000 | |
DAYS(date, num) | Add num days to date | DATEADD(DAY, num, date) | |
39 | DB_ID(database_name) | Get the database ID number | DB_ID(database_name) |
40 | DB_NAME(database_id) | Get the name of a database | DB_NAME(database_id) |
41 | DEGREES(num) | Convert radians to degrees | DEGREES(num) |
42 | DOW(date) | Get the day of the week as integer | DATEPART(DW, date) |
43 | ERRORMSG() | Get the last error message | STR(@@ERROR) |
44 | EXP(n) | Raise e to the nth power | EXP(n) |
45 | EXPRTYPE(exp, integer) | Get the data type of exp | User-defined function |
46 | FIRST(exp) | Aggregate to return the first row only | TOP 1 exp |
47 | FLOOR(num) | Get the largest preceding integer | FLOOR(num) |
48 | GET_BIT(bit_array, position) | Get specified bit in a bit_array | User-defined function |
49 | GETDATE() | Get the current date and time | GETDATE() |
50 | GREATER(exp, exp2) | Get the greater of two expressions | CASE expression |
51 | HASH(string[, algorithm]) | Get the specified value in hashed form | HASHBYTES(algorithm, string) |
52 | HEXTOINT(hexadecimal) | Convert hexadecimal to integer | CONVERT(INT, hexadecimal) |
53 | HOUR(datetime) | Extract hour from datetime | DATEPART(HH, datetime) |
54 | HTML_DECODE(string) | Decode special HTML characters | User-defined function |
55 | HTML_ENCODE(string) | Encode special HTML characters | (SELECT string FOR XML PATH('')) |
56 | HTTP_DECODE(string) | URL decoding | User-defined function |
57 | HTTP_ENCODE(string) | URL encoding | User-defined function |
58 | IDENTITY(exp) | Get the sequential number of a row | ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY (SELECT 1)) |
59 | IFNULL(exp, exp2[, exp3]) | Return exp2 if exp is NULL, otherwise exp3 | CASE expression |
60 | INSERTSTR(position, str, str2) | Insert str2 into str in specified position | SUBSTRING and concatenation |
61 | INTTOHEX(integer) | Convert integer to hexadecimal | CONVERT(VARBINARY(8), integer) |
62 | ISDATE(string) | Check for a valid datetime | ISDATE(string) |
63 | ISNULL(exp, exp2, …) | Return first non-NULL expression | ISNULL(exp, exp2) |
COALESCE(exp, exp2, …) | |||
64 | ISNUMERIC(string) | Check for a valid numeric | ISNUMERIC(string) |
65 | LCASE(string) | Lowercase string | LOWER(string) |
66 | LEFT(string, n) | Get n leftmost characters | LEFT(string, n) |
67 | LENGTH(string), LEN(string) | Get length of string in chars | LEN(string) |
68 | LESSER(exp, exp2) | Get the lesser of two expressions | CASE expression |
69 | LIST(string, del) | Aggregate string concatenation | STUFF and FOR XML PATH |
70 | LOCATE(str, substring, start) | Get position of substring | CHARINDEX(substring, str, start) |
71 | LOG(numeric) | Get natural logarithm | LOG(numeric) |
72 | LOG10(numeric) | Get base 10 logarithm | LOG10(numeric) |
73 | LOWER(string) | Lowercase string | LOWER(string) |
74 | LTRIM(string) | Remove leading spaces | LTRIM(string) |
75 | MINUTE(datetime) | Extract minute from datetime | DATEPART(MI, datetime) |
76 | MOD(dividend, divisor) | Get remainder | (dividend % divisor) |
77 | MONTH(date) | Extract month from date | MONTH(date) |
78 | MONTHNAME(date) | Get the name of the month | DATENAME(MONTH, date) |
79 | NCHAR(integer) | Convert Unicode code point to char | NCHAR(integer) |
80 | NEWID() | Generate GUIDs | NEWID() |
81 | NOW([*]) | Get the current date and time | GETDATE() |
82 | NULLIF(exp1, exp2) | Return NULL if exp1 = exp2 | NULLIF(exp1, exp2) |
83 | NUMBER([*]) | Get the sequential number of a row | ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY (SELECT 1)) |
84 | PATINDEX(pattern, string) | Get starting position of pattern | PATINDEX(pattern, string) |
85 | PI([*]) | Get number pi | PI() |
86 | POWER(value, n) | Raise value to the nth power | POWER(value, n) |
87 | QUARTER(date) | Get the quarter of the year | DATEPART(Q, date) |
88 | RADIANS(numeric) | Convert degrees to radians | RADIANS(numeric) |
89 | RAND([integer]) | Get random float value in (0, 1) | RAND([integer]) |
90 | REGEXP_SUBSTR(str, pattern) | Get a substring of str using regexp | |
91 | REMAINDER(dividend, divisor) | Get remainder | (dividend % divisor) |
92 | REPEAT(string, n) | Repeat string n times | REPLICATE(string, n) |
93 | REPLACE(str, search, replace) | Replace search-string | REPLACE(str, search, replace) |
94 | REPLICATE(string, n) | Repeat string n times | REPLICATE(string, n) |
95 | REVERSE(string) | Get reverse string | REVERSE(string) |
96 | RIGHT(string, n) | Get n rightmost characters | RIGHT(string, n) |
97 | ROUND(num, integer) | Get rounded value | ROUND(num, integer) |
98 | RTRIM(string) | Remove trailing spaces | RTRIM(string) |
99 | SECOND(datetime) | Extract second from datetime | DATEPART(SS, datetime) |
100 | SIGN(exp) | Get sign of exp | SIGN(exp) |
101 | SIN(num) | Get sine | SIN(num) |
102 | SOUNDEX(string) | Get 4-character sound code | SOUNDEX(string) |
103 | SPACE(integer) | Get string of spaces | RPAD(' ', integer) |
104 | SQRT(num) | Get square root | SQRT(num) |
105 | STR(numeric) | Get string equivalent of a number | STR(numeric) |
106 | STRING(str, str2, …) | Concatenates strings | CONCAT(str, str2, …) |
107 | STUFF(exp, start, len, rep) | Replace characters in string | STUFF(exp, start, len, rep) |
108 | SUBSTRING(string, pos, len) | Get a substring of string | SUBSTRING(string, pos, len) |
109 | SUBSTR(string, pos, len) | ||
110 | SUSER_ID([user-name]) | Get the server user’s ID | SUSER_ID([user-name]) |
111 | SUSER_NAME([user-id]) | Get the server user’s name | SUSER_NAME([user-id]) |
112 | SWITCHOFFSET(tmz, offset) | Change time zone offset | SWITCHOFFSET(tmz, offset) |
113 | TAN(num) | Get tangent | TAN(num) |
114 | TEXTPTR(exp) | Get pointer that conform to LOB | TEXTPTR(exp) |
115 | TO_CHAR(exp) | Convert to string | CONVERT(VARCHAR, exp) |
116 | TO_NCHAR(exp) | Convert to NCHAR | CONVERT(NCHAR, exp) |
118 | TODAY([*]) | Get the current date | CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE) |
119 | TRIM(string) | Remove leading and trailing spaces | RTRIM(LTRIM(string)) |
120 | TRUNCNUM(numeric, integer) | Truncate numeric | User-defined function |
121 | TRUNCATE(numeric, integer) | ||
122 | TSEQUAL(value1, value2) | Compare two timestamp values | value1 = value2 |
123 | UCASE(string) | Uppercase string | UPPER(string) |
124 | UNICODE(string) | Get Unicode code of the 1st character | UNICODE(string) |
125 | UNISTR(string) | Convert Unicode code points to chars | Expressions using NCHAR |
126 | UPPER(string) | Uppercase string | UPPER(string) |
127 | USER_ID([user_name]) | Get user ID | USER_ID([user_name]) |
128 | USER_NAME([user_id]) | Get user name | USER_NAME([user_id]) |
129 | XMLCONCAT(exp, exp2, …) | Concatenate XML expressions | |
130 | XMLELEMENT(NAME exp) | Get an XQuery element node | |
131 | XMLFOREST(exp, exp2, …) | Get a forest of XML expressions | |
132 | XMLGEN(construnctor, exp, …) | Get XML based on constructor | |
133 | YEAR(date) | Extract year from date | YEAR(date) |
Converting SQL SELECT statement from Sybase SQL Anywhere to SQL Server:
Sybase SQL Anywhere | SQL Server | ||
1 | SELECT FIRST col, … | Select the first row only | SELECT TOP 1 col, … |
SELECT FIRST(col) … | |||
2 | SELECT col,… INTO var, … FROM … | Select a single row into variables | SELECT @var = col, … FROM … |
Converting CREATE TABLE statement from Sybase SQL Anywhere to SQL Server:
Foreign key actions:
Sybase SQL Anywhere | Microsoft SQL Server | ||
Converting user-defined SQL functions from Sybase SQL Anywhere to SQL Server:
Sybase SQL Anywhere | SQL Server | ||
2 | IN param datatype(length) DEFAULT default | @param [AS] datatype(length) = default | |
2 | RETURNS datatype(length) | RETURNS datatype(length) | |
3 | [NOT] DETERMINISTIC | Removed | |
4 | ON EXCEPTION RESUME | Continue execution in an error occurs | Removed, it is the default behavior |
5 | [AS] | [AS] |
For more information, see Conversion of Procedural SQL Statements.
Converting stored procedures from Sybase SQL Anywhere to SQL Server:
Sybase SQL Anywhere | SQL Server | ||
2 | IN | OUT | INOUT param datatype(length) DEFAULT default | @param datatype(length) = default OUT | |
3 | RESULT (col datatype(length), …) | Result set definition | Removed, not required |
4 | AS is optional | AS required |
For more information, see Conversion of Procedural SQL Statements.
Converting triggers from Sybase SQL Anywhere to SQL Server:
For more information, see Conversion of Procedural SQL Statements.
Converting Transact-SQL and Watcom-SQL statements:
Sybase SQL Anywhere | SQL Server | ||
1 | DECLARE var datatype(length) | Variable declaration | DECLARE @var datatype(length) |
3 | DECLARE name EXCEPTION FOR SQLSTATE VALUE 'sqlstate' | Declaration not required, removed | |
4 | IF condition THEN … ELSEIF/ELSE … END IF | IF statement | IF condition BEGIN … END ELSE … |
IF condition BEGIN … END ELSE … | |||
5 | SIGNAL exception_name | Raise an exception | RAISERROR('error text', 16, 1) |
Cursor status:
Sybase SQL Anywhere | SQL Server | |||
1 | @@SQLSTATUS = 0 | Row found | @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 | |
2 | SQLSTATE = '02000' | Row found | @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 | |
SQLSTATE <> '02000' | Row not found | @@FETCH_STATUS <> 0 |