Oracle provides TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type that allows you to store datetime with the time zone information.
-- Flights table stores departure time in airport time zone CREATE TABLE departures ( airport CHAR(3), airline VARCHAR2(30), flight CHAR(7), departure TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE ); -- Departs from San Francisco at 5:25 pm local time INSERT INTO departures VALUES ('SFO', 'Virgin Atlantic', 'VS020', TIMESTAMP '2013-03-22 17:25:00 -8:00'); -- Departs from London at 11:25 am local time INSERT INTO departures VALUES ('LHR', 'Singapore Airlines ', 'SQ2507', TIMESTAMP '2013-03-22 11:25:00 +0:00');
When an user searches flights in the specified airport, the departure time is shown in the airport local time, there is no need to perform any conversions:
-- Show departure times for San Francisco International Airport SELECT * FROM departures WHERE airport = 'SFO';
Output in US/Pacific:
Airport | Airline | Flight | Departure |
SFO | Virgin Atlantic | VS020 | 22-MAR-13 PM -08:00 |
There is no a data type in MySQL that can store time zone information. DATETIME data type stores timestamps in the MySQL server time zone.
-- Flights table will store departure time in UTC CREATE TABLE departures ( airport CHAR(3), airline VARCHAR(30), flight CHAR(7), departure DATETIME );
When you transfer existing data with time zone information from Oracle to MySQL, you can use SYS_EXTRACT_UTC function in Oracle to get all timestamps in the UTC time zone:
-- Convert timestampt to UTC on transfer SELECT airport, airline, flight, SYS_EXTRACT_UTC(departure) FROM departures;
Output in UTC:
Airport | Airline | Flight | Departure |
SFO | Virgin Atlantic | VS020 | 23-MAR-13 AM |
LHR | Singapore Airlines | SQ2507 | 22-MAR-13 AM |
Note. SQLines Data tool is capable of converting TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data to the UTC time zone in MySQL using SYS_EXTRACT_UTC function automatically.
Then depending on the application you can store time zone information in a separate column of the same table, or in a separate table.
In our example it makes sense to have a table that stores airport and its time zone as follows:
-- Airport time zone information CREATE TABLE airport_timezone ( airport CHAR(3), timezone VARCHAR(30) ); INSERT INTO airport_timezone VALUES ('SFO', '-08:00'); INSERT INTO airport_timezone VALUES ('LHR', '+00:00');
Now when an user searches flights in an airport you can use CONVERT_TZ function in MySQL to convert from UTC timezone to the time zone of the specified airport:
-- Show departure times for San Francisco International Airport SELECT d.airport, airline, flight, CONVERT_TZ(departure, '+00:00', timezone) FROM departures d, airport_timezone tz WHERE d.airport = 'SFO' AND d.airport = tz.airport;
Output in US/Pacific time zone:
Airport | Airline | Flight | Departure |
SFO | Virgin Atlantic | VS020 | 2013-03-21 17:25:00 |
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Written by Dmitry Tolpeko - March 2013.